The law firm T. Studnicki, K. Płeszka, Z. Ćwiąkalski, J. Górski Limited Partnership (SPCG) is one of the largest and oldest independent law firms in Poland. SPCG specializes in comprehensive legal services for business entities and ventures as well as complex court and arbitration proceedings. Transactions related to business entity mergers and acquisitions as well as restructuring constitute one of the key operating areas of SPCG. Our lawyers provide advising services regarding both international transactions (including multi-jurisdiction transactions) and domestic transactions. We represent buyers and sellers and acts on behalf of management boards and shareholders of businesses that are parties to such transactions as well as on behalf of financial institutions and investment funds which provide financing. From among all SPCG’s strong capabilities we would like to underline the following:
- unique expertise in the area of regulatory regulations for fund investment companies, investment firms and banks;
- long-lasting and deep relation with the Chamber of Fund and Asset Management (IZFiA) and the Chamber of Brokerage Houses (IDM) – thanks to the cooperation with both Chambers we are constantly involved in the process of creating legislation regarding the capital market in Poland;
- strong engagement in the implementation process of important EU regulations (UCITS, MiFID, GDPR).
We also have extensive experience in the provision of legal advisory services to foreign investors in Poland. In this area, we have been collaborating with leading law firms from Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, France and the USA for many years. Our team combines perfect theoretical background with broad and in-depth practical experience. This ensures the top level of legal services, including the highest competence in the interpretation and application of the Polish, European and international law as well as the versatile understanding of our clients’ expectations and economic interests. SPCG has strong ties with the academic community in Poland. Four SPCG’s partners are professors at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University. Other employees of the firm include scholars and researchers from other renowned Polish universities, e.g. the Silesian University and the University of Wrocław. Close connections with the academic circles allow for obtaining additional expert analyses and advising services from the leading specialists in the particular fields of law. Our experiences are noticed by observers in the legal services industry. SPCG and our lawyers occupy high positions in rankings and are recommended in international industry rankings, among others in: Chambers Global, Chambers Europe, Euromoney – Deal Watch, Forbes, Legal 500, PLC Which Lawyer, IFLR 100 and Best Lawyers, which evaluate the legal services market in Europe and across the world. We are also noticed by the local auditors of the legal services market – we rank among the top rankings of Rzeczpospolita daily, while our lawyers receive distinctions in the Rising Stars ranking, pointing emerging star-lawyers on the legal scene in Poland. SPCG has been one of the top ten largest law firms in Poland for many years. Our team consists of over a hundred and ten lawyers, of which nineteen have Partner status. The law office provides its services throughout the country, executing orders through four branch offices located in Krakow (head office), Warsaw, Katowice and Wrocław.